Already after the age of 30 the skin starts to lose hyaluronic acid, and with it the water. Decreases the content in the skin of elastin and collagen. The skin becomes dry and less elastic, and on it appear the wrinkles. What to do, how to restore the youthfulness of the skin? The experts in the cosmetic salon ready, what are the most suitable treatments for one or another woman.
How to rejuvenate the facial skin
Facial rejuvenation can be achieved with different methods. All of them can be divided into three groups:
- health techniques,
- beauty treatments,
- plastic surgery techniques.
To the general well-being methods include:
- a proper diet,
- a healthy lifestyle,
- the sport, the lack of bad habits.
It is with this problem of developing the rejuvenation of the face.
The peak of fashion in plastic surgery of the face is past: before the eyes of all the results of the operations that failed, famous people. Today is in full expansion, therapeutic cosmetology, and technical significant impact on the skin without surgical intervention. These methods include massage, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, introduction injection of botulinum toxin, masonite contouring of the face, peeling.
Skins – simple but effective rejuvenating procedure
In the cosmetic salon used all kinds of scrubs and pass through the sanding of the skin, which remove the surface layers of the skin, stimulating its update. Updated thin the skin is superimposed beauty mask and cream, which are absorbed quickly and have an effective action.
Today in beauty salons is more often used in chemical peeling. It takes place with the help of the funds, which contain organic acids. For surface chemical peels are used in organic fruit acids. Deeper exfoliation can be achieved with the aid of phenol.
The correct application of the chemical peeling stimulates the regeneration of the skin, and becomes young and radiant, resolved problems such as dryness, wrinkles, spots, scars. After a deep exfoliation of the skin is covered by a crust, which it is not possible to delete. After the secession of the crust of the skin is still a bit of recovery time, and so it becomes more youthful and radiant.
Facial rejuvenation with the help of mesotherapy
Mesotherapy is a treatment of the skin with the help of microinjections. Injection are intradermally very thin needles. The beautician carefully study the condition of the skin, and only after that assign injection skin repair cocktails. In the composition of the cocktail of vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances, which activate the metabolic processes and return to the skin for a more youthful appearance.
Treatments of mesotherapy do once a week. In the course of treatment, is sufficient 8 – 15 procedures, depending on the initial condition of the skin. The effect of mesotherapy stable, its duration depends on the individual characteristics of the skin.
Gprs application using arduino-therapy
Gprs application using arduino-therapy is a modern, a very effective method for the rejuvenation of the face. It consists in the fact that women have made the fence of the cells of the skin, which show that fibroblasts and them grow in laboratory conditions. Fibroblasts are skin cells, which produce these essential substances, such as hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen.
Cultured fibroblasts through the microinjection is injected into the skin on problem areas of the face. Live in skin, the fibroblasts, stimulate the production of new fibroblasts, rejuvenate the skin. The procedure is not easy, but it is worth it, rejuvenation of the skin of the face after the two procedures lasted more than two years.
Biorevitalization is an effective way to return youth
Biorevitalization is one of the species of mesotherapy, in which the skin instead of cocktails are hyaluronic acid supplements. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of skin that attracts the water, because the skin becomes more firm, elastic and young under our very eyes.
The hyaluronic acid is injected in the form of microinjections, enter the skin and not only attracts water, but it also stimulates the synthesis of skin cells of hyaluronic acid. The method is very effective. To revitalize your skin and eliminate small wrinkles on the surface is enough, sometimes two procedures with the week off. Maintenance treatment takes place once every three months.
Masonite may substitute circular lifting
With this method of special wire, soaked in substances the biologically active substance injected into the soft tissues of the face. Thread support the tissue and type of mesotherapy stimulate the production of substances that provide the skin rejuvenation. Effective method, condition of the skin of the face is maintained for up to two years.
The Contouring of the face
The Contouring of the face is made by omitting the soft tissues of the face caused by age. In the place where it significantly decreased the volume of the soft tissues, with the help of injection to inject the hyaluronic acid, restoring in this way, swam contour of the face.
Techniques for rejuvenation of the face. Which method or methods to choose from, you can consult the doctor-beautician on the basis of to explore and study the state of the skin of the patient.